Comparing the roles of cat coolers with riser quench |
Alan Goelzer, Jacobs Refinery Specialists |
2003 / Q1 |
A review of the issues to consider when disposing of the heat of
combustion from riser coke formation in high severity vacuum gasoil FCC
and RFCC units, with operating conditions becoming increasingly
demanding. More
Role of advances in FCC catalyst technology. |
J B McLean, D M Stockwell, W A Weber, W S Sinkler, M R Greczek, T E Masak, Engelhard Corporation |
2003 / Q1 |
Sulphur-reducing chemistry that preserves gasoline yield and
minimises octane loss while avoiding cut point penalties can help meet
clean fuel specifications where post treatment and additive systems may
not be adequate. More
The oxidative route to ULS production |
Robert E Levy, UniPure Corporation |
2003 / Q1 |
Refinery and terminal applications using modular designs where
extraction of oxidised sulphur and nitrogen species is carried out
without the processing severity and level of investment required with
conventional hydrotreating. More
Production of ULS fuels from heavy feedstocks. |
Romolo Montanari, Sergio Rose, Mario Marchionna, Snamprogetti SpA Nicoletta Panariti and Alberto Delbianco, EniTecnologie SpA |
2003 / Q1 |
Upgrading of extra heavy residues and oil sands bitumen has been
demonstrated with a proprietary two-stage process incorporating slurry
hydrotreatment, using a molybdenum-based catalyst followed by solvent
deasphalting. More
Boosting diesel production with varying feedstocks |
Christer Moren and Michael Heisel, Linde Gas & Engineering Alexander Reichhold, Vienna University Andrea Krause, Holborn Europe Refinery A J Berlanga-Gonzalez, Malaga University |
2003 / Q1 |
Evaluation of technology, chemistry and economy for increasing
middle distillate output and producing less residue, using oxygen
enrichment in fluid catalytic crackers with constrained capacity. More
Mitigating corrosion from naphthenic acid streams. |
David Johnson and Gregg R McAteer, Ondeo Nalco Energy Services Heinz Zuk, Norsk Hydro AS |
2003 / Q1 |
The authors describe how crude and side-cut analysis, laboratory and
field data lead to strategies for managing high severity operating
conditions needed for pocessing opportunity crudes. More
Oxygen contamination of hydrocarbon feedstocks |
M Vadekar, Chem Tech Consulting |
2003 / Q1 |
An examination of the detrimental effects caused by dissolved O2 and
practical solutions to control fouling, corrosion and expensive
unplanned shutdowns when processing feedstocks vulnerable to air or
oxygen ingress. More
Catalyst formulations and FCC unit performance |
Ganesh Gandham and Alok Srivastava, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd |
2003 / Q1 |
The authors describe how careful selection of catalyst and additives
holds the key to achieving the objectives for improving naphtha RON and
throughput. Each refiner has to develop his own system for
choosing the appropriate catalyst. More
Process simulation through the internet. |
Manel Serra. Daniel Pinol, Sergi Sama, Hyprotech Europe |
2003 / Q1 |
A review of the available network technologies to bring Cape-Open standards to the process environment with a discussion of the COGents European project and its targets for software discovery and collaboration through the web. More
Maintaining the optimum advanced process control |
Kees den Bakker, Chris Seppala, Rob Snoeren, Shell Global Solutions |
2003 / Q1 |
The potential for improved performance monitoring allows companies to measure the performance of their advanced control and optimisation methods against established indicators, and also helps to identify missed faults to be corrected. More
Advanced analytical methods for FCCU troubleshooting |
A J Romero, E Rautiainen, K Y Yung, Akzo Nobel Catalysts A Gevers and J Russel-Lucasius, Refineria Isla (Curacao) NA |
2003 / Q1 |
Separation of FCC catalyst on skeletal density and AAI are in-depth tests to consider when standard analytical methods fail to predit catalyst performance. Methods described here have been helpful in certain catalyst replacement problems. More
Crude Valuation for crude selection |
J C M Hartmann, Hartmann Refinery Consultancy |
2003 / Q1 |
A simulation model can give product yields/properties on separate crudes while an LP run indicates the cost of using limited facilities and markets. Together they show the relative values of crudes for a specific refinery in a specific market. More
The case for optimising shutdown preparations |
Kevin McQuillan and Kenny McGeachie, Huntsman Petrochemicals (UK) Ltd |
2003 / Q1 |
A risk-based approach to optimising inspection activities, eliminating unnecessary work and controlling engineering standards, in addition to aligning contractor objectives with those of the client, contributes to efficient shutdown preparation. More
Smart positioners in safety instrumented systems |
Riyaz Ali and LeRoy Jero, Fisher Controls International LLC |
2003 / Q1 |
A review of the way microprocessor-based digital valve controllers - otherwise "smart positioners" - can improve the capabilities of safety systems in detecting potential risks and heading them off before they become a danger. More
Troubleshooting against process plant downtime. |
Eike Drewes, Prognost Systems GmbH Uwe Seifert, OMV Deutschland GmbH |
2003 / Q1 |
To clarify failure mechanisms and determine the measures necessary for trouble free operation it is essential to combine the available experiences of all the participants and compare them with the collected data. More
Membrane separation for producing ULS gasoline |
Jeff Balko and Gilles Bourdillon, Grace Davison Nick Wynn, Sulzer Chemtech Membrane Systems |
2003 / Q2 |
Membrane-based sulphur removal technology has emerged as a simple
and cost effective way to minimise the volume of octane-sensitive light
and intermediate FCC gasoline, avoiding capital-intensive and high
operating cost post-treatment. More
Catalytic solutions for improved performance |
Pierre-Yves Le Goff, Fabienne Le Peltier, Bruno Domergue, Axens Jean-Francois Joly, Institut Francais du Petrole (IFP) |
2003 / Q2 |
Replacement of original by new generation catalysts in four CCR
units and a fixed-bed reformer has improved selectivity and run
length. Better performance was also achieved with technology
providing more uniform catalyst distribution. More
Hydrocracking catalyst pre-activation |
Jarmila Vukovic, Daniel Neuman, Ioannis Bouchagiar, Tricat Vladimir Farkas, Slovnaft Emir Ceric, INA |
2003 / Q2 |
Case studies from two European refineries where pre-activated
catalysts were loaded with no indication of self-heating during air
exposure or of exothermic behaviour throughout the temperature range of
unit startup More
Boosting ultra low sulphur diesel margins |
Jean-Luc Rouby and Bernard Martin, Shell Global Solutions Rob van der Meij, Criterion Catalysts & Technologies |
2003 / Q2 |
For cost effective ULSD revamps, the use of technology such as
online analysers, APC and product quality management is considered
essential for finding the best solution for each processing step, for
both short- and long-term objectives. More
Amine purification system to increase crude processing |
Alfred E Keller, ConocoPhillips Inc Arthur L Cummings and Dennis K Nelsen, MPR Services Inc |
2003 / Q2 |
Bringing amine system contaminants down to low levels has reduced
operational problems and, with the use of a regenerable system for
cutting salt, hydrocarbon and solids contaminants, refinery throughput
has increased. More
Improved optimisation of a refinery crude unit |
Sesadri Ranganathan, Arold Offerman, Jossy Cijntje, Refineria ISLA Randall McFarlane and Victor Lough, Invensys |
2003 / Q2 |
A case study of real-time optimisation applied to a crude
distillation unit, and the online results that followed. The aim,
to maintain optimum economic operation against frequent feedback
changes, has also brought improved process consistency. More
ULSD production: improved feed stream quality |
Daryl Hanson and Steve White, Process Consulting Services Inc |
2003 / Q2 |
Much of hydrotreater revamp investment costs in future will be in dealing with the most difficult-to-remove sulphur species, because of their low reaction rates. But upstream fractionation improvements could bring significant cost benefits. More
Maximising profitability with FCC revamps |
Mark W Schnaith and Larry A Lacijan, UOP |
2003 / Q2 |
Three case studies of the way increased capacity and product flexibility were achieved in the face of equipment limitations and operating constraints. Optimising feed injectors and riser disengagers was among the strategies employed. More
Hydrogen optimisation at minimal investment |
Nick Hallale and Ian Moore, AspenTech Ltd Dennis Vauk, Air Liquide |
2003 / Q2 |
Refiners making long-term investments to meet clean fuel specifications could at the same time, with already-available technology, improve their existing hydrogen resources to boost profitability in the short term. The authors review the options. More
C2 splitter retrofit and performance |
Sabah Kurukchi and Joseph Gondolfe, Stone and Webster Antonio Joao Dias Prestes and Sergio Peter, Companhia Petroquimica do Sul (Copesul) Peter McGuire, UOP |
2003 / Q2 |
High capacity valve trays have been replaced during a tower revamp with a different tray design, providing greater capacity plus ethylene product. The trays operate at higher turndown in reflux and feed rates and still produce on-spec products. More
Maintaining reliability with good asset management |
Anthony J McNeeney and Michele Probst, Meridium Inc |
2003 / Q2 |
How software for managing asset performance, incorporating reliability-centred maintenance, determines the reliability of assets and automatically updates strategic information across an entire enterprise. More
Improving company profits through productiviity gains. |
Bobby Singh, Project Assurance Inc |
2003 / Q2 |
Measuring productivity in capital projects and revamps, such as with the use of formal and analytical productivity measurements to assess field performance, provides management with options for increasing the effeciency of a workforce. More
Dynamic simulation of a demethaniser column. |
M Sadrameli, M Sahkeri, J Towfighi, Chemical Engineering Department, Modares University. |
2003 / Q2 |
An implicity approach-based method for calculating distillation column dynamics has been used to model time-dependent effects of independent disturbances with a demethaniser column. Startup and shutdown sequences can be tested in this way. More
Amine filtration in natural gas processing operations. |
John Hampton, Filtration Technolgoy Corporation Guy Weismantel, Weismantel International |
2003 / Q2 |
A review of improvements in filtration and separation techniques for reducing processing costs and avoiding corrosion problems in the removal of H2S, CO2 and other impurities, while also producing high quality gas. More
Removal of chloride compounds |
Peter V Broadhurst, Synetix |
2003 / Q2 |
A review of the use of chloride guard beds to treat liquid phase and gas phase streams to prevent operational problems from hard-to-detect organic chlorides, while at the same time avoiding side reactions and high partial pressures. More
Burning sulphur compounds, with byproduct recovery. |
Olavo C Leite, Thermica Technologies |
2003 / Q2 |
Improved methods are required to recover elemental sulphur from a gas stream containing H2S and thereby reduce SO2 emissions. For refining, natural processing and coal gasification, the sulphur recovery unit is the primary area of concern. More
Maintaining reliability of the FCC unit |
Warren Letzsch and Reggie Blinkhorn, Stone & Webster Engineering Inc
2003 / Q3 |
A review of catalytic cracking equipment performance, design criteria, turnaround execution and their combined effect on long-term unit reliability and maintenance
Modelling disturbances in refinery operations |
Amir H Mohammadi Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University Giti Abolhamd and Mohammad M Montazer-Rahmati, Faculty of Engineering, Tehran University |
2003 / Q3 |
Investigation of the transient state and optimisation of a fluidised-bed catalytic cracking unit for maximum feed while satisfying system constraints. One of the most important goals has been optimisation from an operating viewpoint
Creating value through hydrogen management |
Nitin M Patel William F Baade Leong Wah Fong, Air Products Vinay Khurana, Technip-Coflexip
2003 / Q3 |
The authors discuss new and alternative sources of hydrogen production and the way in which optimising separation technologies allows refiners to unlock the value of H2 currently sent to fuel
Reboiler and condenser operating problems |
Edward L Hartman and Tony Barletta, Process Consulting Services Inc |
2003 / Q3 |
Seemingly small details related to heat exchangers can have a negative impact on distillation system heat input, cause tray flooding and affect overhead condenser and column capacity. Case studies reported here illustrate some of the difficulties
Enhancement of heat |
Reza Yahyaabadi, Esfahan Oil Refining Company |
2003 / Q3 |
The use of longitudinal baffles in heat exchangers is not common, but this type of baffle can increase heat transfer rates while lowering the pressure drop with the same duty observed with segmented baffles
Improving FCCUs: bottoms system upgrades |
Dan Clark Lawrence Pump Inc Scott Golden Process Consulting Services Inc
2003 / Q3 |
A review of process flow scheme fundamentals and basic equipment operating and design principles that have improved unit operating profitability through better use of capacity, higher conversion and lower cost of maintenance
Industrial turbine over-speed |
Charlie Rutan, EquiStar/Lyondell Petrochemical Company
2003 / Q3 |
A review of current standards and the relationship of turbine over-speed and the time-constant of rotors as it pertains to time lag of the over-speed devices, and the amount of energy stored between the trip valve and the exhaust of the turbine
Solutions to common rotational failures |
Tony Sofronas, Consulting Engineer
2003 / Q3 |
A correct analysis of an equipment failure is essential if the same thing, or something like it, is to be prevented from happening again. The author offers his analysis of a number of things that can go wrong and how they could be avoided
Validating anti-surge control systems |
Nikhil Dukle and Krishnan Narayanan, Compressor Controls Corporation
2003 / Q3 |
At a gas processing plant, real time simulation was used to analyse the design of a surge protection scheme for a natural gas compressor, after questions arose over the system’s effectiveness in the event of an emergency shutdown
State of the art gas treating |
Mahin Rameshni, Parsons Energy and Chemicals
2003 / Q3 |
A close examination of natural gas preconditioning and final conditioning processes, including the associated chemical, physical and hybrid solvents involved. The author also looks at the various Claus tailgas-treating technologies
Improvements to tailgas treatment process |
Jean-Pierre Ballaguet and Cécile Barrère-Tricca IFP Christian Streicher Prosernat
2003 / Q3 |
A review of configurations in tailgas treating to achieve 99.9% sulphur recovery with smaller reactors – the result of advances in gas/liquid contactor and desalter technologies, enabling longer run lengths and more effective catalyst performance
Tackling fouling in vinyl monomer manufacture |
Deborah A Foster Allen R Syrinek J Paul Street Frederic Hisbergues Ondeo Nalco Energy Services
2003 / Q3 |
Conventional and new approaches to the control of fouling in vinyl monomer processes are discussed in this article, which describes the fouling characteristics of three vinyl monomer processes: acrylic acid, vinyl acetate and vinyl chloride
Catalytic oxidation of nitrogen containing VOC |
Vadim O Strots Grigori A Bunimovich Yuri S Matros, Matros Technologies Inc
2003 / Q3 |
An outline of the treatment of gas streams containing VOCs, focusing on the kinetics and process design aspects needed to achieve over 98% VOC destruction efficiency and less than 15% of nitrogen oxidation converted to nitrogen oxides
Causes and remedies in caustic tower fouling |
Marilyn W Blaschke, Baker Petrolite
2003 / Q3 |
A review of diagnostic tests that are used for identifying the causes of caustic system fouling. The author also looks at methods of monitoring the onset of fouling and some of the ways by which the problem can be minimised
Gasoline and LCO Hydrotreating |
Roberto Galiasso Tailleur PDVSA-Intevep
2003 / Q4 |
Hydroprocessing severity and catalyst selection play a significant role in refined product sulphur distribution. But other important factors must be taken into consideration before making an investment to produce ultra low sulphur fuels
Review of fluid bed coking technologies |
D G Hammond L F Lampert C J Mart S F Massenzio G E Phillips D L Sellards A C Woerner, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company |
2003 / Q4 |
This review covers the basic aspects of technologies dealing with fluid bed coking, to provide an understanding of their fundamentals and potential applications, along with some considerations for technology selection
Concepts to improve sulphur facility reliability |
Hank M Hudson and Susan M Grigson, Ortloff Engineers Ltd |
2003 / Q4 |
Although many previously discussed concepts differ widely from usual industry practice, the authors have found that in most cases alternative concepts have not only improved reliability but have also reduced capital and operating costs
Integrated approach to unit optimisation |
Derya B Özyurt Ralph W Pike F Carl Knopf Michael K Rich Jack R Hopper and Carl L Yaws, Louisiana State University Motiva Enterprises Lamar University |
2003 / Q4 |
Using the flowsheeting, online optimisation and pinch analysis of an advanced process analysis system, increases in profit and energy saving were projected for an alkylation unit through reduced steam usage in the distillation columns
Hydrogen technology– an overview |
Sanjiv Ratan Technip-Coflexip
2003 / Q4 |
Developments in the area of hydrogen production equipment, configurations, catalysts, materials and automation have brought about improved operational reliability and effluents curtailment, as well as achieving lower operating costs
FCC monitoring and Optimisation |
George Blair Eurotek Refining Services Ltd Trish Ferguson Ferguson Consulting
2003 / Q4 |
A new Excel-based FCC monitoring and optimisation tool has been used to assist in assessing an FCC reactor stripper revamp, a unit troubleshooting problem and a regenerator capacity debottlenecking study
Catalyst design for resid applications |
Scott K Purnell Davison Catalysts
2003 / Q4 |
Higher percentages of heavier feeds can be processed using FCC catalysts designed with improved coke selectivity and metals tolerance. Feedstock properties, along with their dominant bottoms-cracking mechanisms, are also reviewed
Options for achieving lower sulphur diesel |
Rick Beaubien and Alan Goelzer, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc |
2003 / Q4 |
A decision point is approaching where each refiner must determine the level of investment in technology, equipment and incremental operating costs needed for producing ultra low sulphur diesel fuels
Reducing the cost of ultra low sulphur diesel |
Pankaj H Desai Akzo Nobel Catalysts LLC
2003 / Q4 |
Optimisation of process variables such as space velocity and operating pressures, using UD-HDS technology, can help to achieve 15ppm sulphur specifications, especially when processing cracked feedstocks
Integrated solutions for optimised ULSD economics |
Ronnie Maddox Tom Kalnes Dave Lindsay UOP LLC |
2003 / Q4 |
An illustration of low cost solutions to ultra low sulphur diesel
production, with case studies of integrated hydrocracking revamps –
showing up to 70% savings in new units using new reactor internals –
and novel separation and coprocessing
Characterisation and analysis of resids |
James G Speight CD&W Inc
2003 / Q4 |
A description of the properties that are required for a detailed
evaluation of resids and for comparison between resids and how they
play a role in dictating which refinery operations are necessary for
Trouble-free design of refinery fractionators |
Henry Z Kister Fluor Corporation |
2003 / Q4 |
A review of factors most frequently the cause of distillation towers falling short of design objectives. Analysis of case histories provides guidelines for identifying potential troublespots in the most important fractionators
Specifications – importance of getting them right |
Steve White and Scott Fulton Process Consulting Services
2003 / Q4 |
Faulty equipment specifications sometimes carry unforeseen penalties, with loss of performance. But do not blame the original equipment manufacturer, say the authors – it is the process design engineer’s responsibility to meet the objectives
Debottlenecking coker Fractionators |
Charlie Herron and Keith Whitt Shell Global Solutions Greg Hall Shell Oil Products |
2003 / Q4 |
Tradeoffs to be considered when high capacity trays or structured packing is selected to meet the required capacity, product quality and yields, together with ease of maintenance, in the delayed coker main fractionator and gas plant
Turnaround performance optimisation |
Paul R Hayes Fluor Corporation David K Clark BP Amoco Chemical Company
2003 / Q4 |
Complex problems involving capital and maintenance work at a large olefins plant were overcome by using a system-based work concept to integrate these activities. A case study describes how this was accomplished
Creating value from stranded natural gas |
Waldemar Liebner Martin Rothaemel Jens Wagner, Lurgi Oel-Gas-Chemie GmbH
2003 / Q4 |
Recent developments in methanol-to-propylene conversion are based on a simple fixed-bed reactor system and common processing elements, providing an economic route to dedicated propylene independent of petroleum-based processes
Microchannel technology for gas-to-liquids conversion |
Terry Mazanec Velocys Inc |
2003 / Q4 |
MPT technology has the potential to reduce costs in a variety of natural gas upgrading processes, including steam reforming, FT synthesis and methanol synthesis, and in chemical processes of many types
FCC vapour line coking |
Christopher F Dean, Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Scott W Golden, Process Consulting Services Inc, Houston, Texas, USA |
2003 / Revamps |
Identifying the causes, penalties and possible solutions to coking in the FCC reactor vapour line, particularly with regard to inlet nozzle coking affecting unit capacity, conversion, reliability, pressure and heat balance. More
Accurate FCC yield for unit optimisation and revamp |
Robert Campagna and Dennis Kowalczyk, Refining Process Services, Cheswick Pennsylvania, USA Jeffrey Sexton, Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC, Findlay, Ohio, USA |
2003 / Revamps |
Measurement of yields and defining key process parameters from reaction mix sampling can be used to tune process models, update LP vectors, audit revamp or catalyst changes and determine optimum process conditions. More
Crude column revamp using radial temperature profiles. |
Glaucia Alves Da Silva Torres and Silvia Waintraub, Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Edward L Hartman, Process Consulting Services Inc, Houston, TX, USA |
2003 / Revamps |
Designers need to be aware of all the factors influencing packed bed performance such as feed zone mixing problems. Accurate assessment of temperature variations above and below fractionation zones can pinpoint efficiency problems. More
Hydrotreater revamps for ULSD fuel. |
R E (Ed) Palmer, Mustang Engineers and Constructors Inc, Houston, Texas, USA Salvatore P Torrisi, Criterion Catalysts & Technologies
2003 / Revamps |
Scope and capital investment for revamping an existing diesel hydrotreater to meet the 15wppm sulphur standard. The base design is typical of hydrotreaters commissioned in the early 1990s to meet on-road specifications of 500 wppm sulphur. More
FCCU gas plant revamp boosts C3 recovery. |
Keith Whitt and Charlie Herron, Shell Global Solutions, Houston, Texas, USA Jenifer Suffridge, Shell Deer Park Refining Company, Houston, Texas, USA |
2003 / Revamps |
The plant of a large refinery has been revamped using high-capacity trays and other hardware revisions to significantly increase the recovery of C3s and to reduce the C4s content of the FCCU gasoline. More
Vacuum unit troubleshooting. |
Norman P Lieberman, Process Improvement Engineering, Metairie, Louisiana, USA. Daryl W Hanson, Process Consulting Services Inc, Houston, Texas, USA |
2003 / Revamps |
Case studies show how accurate field-measured differential pressure can be interpreted incorrectly when troubleshooting refinery vacuum columns. More
Turnarounds and process control. |
Lyman Gilbert, Lyman Gilbert Consulting Inc, Alta Loma, California, USA Guy Weismantel, Weismantel International, Kingwood, Texas, USA |
2003 / Revamps |
Smart sensors with self-diagnostic capabilities, advances in closed-loop process controllers, and instruments that monitor online conditions and anticipate problems can be integrated into a plant's monitoring and control netowrk during a turnaround. More
Managing vanadium from high metals crude oils. |
Scott W Golden, Process Consulting Services Inc, Houston, Texas, USA |
2003 / Revamps |
Improvements in process and equipment design with regard to crude unit and delayed coker distillation column performance can reduce metals content. Vacuum units with a stirpping section and upgraded coker main fractionator wash zones should be considered. More
Better feed entry ups debutaniser capacity. |
Henry Z Kister, Fluor, Alison Viejo, CA, USA David E Grich and Ryan Yeley, BP America Inc, Texas City, USA |
2003 / Revamps |
Points of transition, where streams enter or leave the tower, are some of the most common and sever tower bottlenecks. Combining hydraulic evaluation with field data and gamma scan analysis is key to identifying and eliminating such bottlenecks. More
Catalyst circulation in a pressure-balanced FCCU |
David Spires, Farmland Industries Inc, Coffeyville, Kansas, USA David Hunt, Davison Catalysts, Houston, Texas, USA |
2003 / Revamps |
Significant improvements have been made in FCC reactor temperature control at Farmland's Coffeyville refinery. Data interpretation is presented along with points to consider when troubleshooting a pressure-balanced FCCU operation. More
Crude unit start-ups: the results of a high liquid level. |
N M "Tinus" Erasmus, Sasol, South Africa Tony Barletta, Process Consulting Services Inc, Houston, Texas, USA |
2003 / Revamps |
Pressure-measurement techniques can avoid the dangers of rapidly changing flow rates and levels during start-up. Also, column internals directly above and below flash zones need to be designed for higher uplift forces. More
Reducing catalyst development time. |
Al Kania, Siemens Applied Automation, Bartlesville, OK, USA |
2003 / Catalysis |
An on-line chemical analyser can provide fast chemical analysis of both anticipated and unknown compounds generated from new catalyst formulations. More
Styrene catalyst performance monitoring |
Dennis Yieh, Sterling Chemicals Holding Inc R Newman, CRI Catalyst Co |
2003 / Catalysis |
Real-time performance-monitoring software is readily adaptable to a variety of catalysts due to the speed at which the system permits plant operators to respond to changes in the process of market, allowing more profitable production decisions. More
Reactor management services |
Francois Bollon, Petroval SA, France Frederic Girardier, Eurecat SA, France |
2003 / Catalysis |
More engineers and operators in the petrochemical industry are seeking expertise in catalyst regeneration, presulphiding, turnaround management and other off-site services to help improve reactor and catalyst performance. More
Recovering and refining precious metals from spent catalysts |
Kevin M Beirne, Sabin Metal Corp, East Hampton, NY, USA |
2003 / Catalysis |
In addition to obtaining the most effective expertise in precious metal recovery, serious consideration must be given to financial and legal issues that could arise when partnering with a precious metal refiner. More
Processing complex spent metal-bearing catalysts |
Philippe Van Maele, Umicore Precious Metals Hoboken, Belgium |
2003 / Catalysis |
How one precious metals smelter copes with certain impurities or characteristics, which tend to hinder other, more dedicated catalysis recovery operations seen in industrial process. More
FCC Catalyst for cleaner gasoline |
Daniel McQueen, Paul A Diddams, Grace Davison, Worms, Germany |
2003 / Catalysis |
Removal of thiophenic and olefinic compounds while maintaining high
octanes is an important challenge facing refiners producing clean
gasoline. More
Ultra-deep desulphurisation of gas oils |
Lars Skyum, Haldor Topsoe A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
2003 / Catalysis |
In order to choose the right combination of catalyst and technology
for the production of diesel with 10ppm sulphur or less, it is
essential to have a thorough understanding of the reaction kinetics in
diesel hydrotreating from SOR to EOR. More
Butane and light naphtha isomerisation |
Scott Graeme, Michel van der Laan, Akzo Nobel Catalysts, The Netherlands |
2003 / Catalysis |
Low-density, platinum-based cylindrically shaped catalysts can
overcome maldistribution problems and improve catalyst performance
measured by PIN, H2/HC and isobutane ratios, and characterised by
higher activity, short loading and lower costs. More
New catalyst formulations for semi-regenerative reformers |
Gary A Marr, UOP, Des Plaines, Illinois, USA |
2003 / Catalysis |
Two European refineries upgrade reformer technology, resulting in
higher reformate and hydrogen yield with improved RONC and longer
intervals between regeneration. More
Grading and topping materials for hydrotreating applications. |
David Berman, Tricat Inc, Hunt Valley, Maryland, USA |
2003 / Catalysis |
Extrudates are being remanufactured into alternative sizes and
shapes for reactor activity grading and void-space grading as well as
to help prevent pressure drop build-up caused by particulates and
polymerisation. More
New catalysts for reformers. |
Pierre-Yves Le Goff, Fabienne Le Peltier, Bruno Domergue, Axens Jean-Francois Joly, IFP France |
2003 / Catalysis |
New-generation catalysts, designed with close attention to the
paraffin conversion mechanisms and pressure characteristics seen in
fixed-bed and CCR units, are further optimised with special
catalyst-loading techniques. More
Optimised high-quality BTX production |
Thi Chang, Technical Editor, Houston, TX, USA |
2003 / Catalysis |
Transalkylation catalysts are able to convert heavy aromatics into high-quality petrochemicals at lower recycle rates and with increased run lengths without the need for a solvent-extraction unit. More
Technology for propylene boosting in steamcrackers. |
Heinz V Boelt, Stephan Glanz, Linde |
2003 / Catalysis |
Integration of steamcracker C4/C5 components with a fixed-bed fluid catalytic-cracking reactor employing a shape-selective heterogeneous zeolytic ZSM-5 catalyst. More
Adding value to pyrolysis gasoline. |
C Baumler, Sued Chemie AG, Catalytic Technologies, Munich, Germany |
2003 / Catalysis |
A two-step reaction process for upgrading low-value aromatics to high-value steamcracker feedstock uses optimised catalyst formulations in each reactor. More