HS-FCC for propylene: concept to commercial operation |
Nicolas Lambert, Axens
Iwao Ogasawara, JX Nippon Oil & Energy
Ibraham Abba, Saudi Aramco
Halim Redhwi, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Chris Santner, Technip Stone & Webster Process Technology |
2014 / Q1 |
A FCC process provides a high light olefin yield from a wide variety of feedstocks utilising high severity reaction conditions and a novel down flow reaction system More
Optimising distillation column product quality |
Jose Bird and Darryl Seillier, Valero Energy Corporation |
2014 / Q1 |
Process simulation and random sampling were used to optimise product targets for a propylene splitter unit More
Extending the treatment of highly sour gases: cryogenic distillation |
Francois Lallemand, Gauthier Perdu and Laurent Normand, Prosernat
Claire Weiss, Total
Julia Magne-Drisch and Sebastien Gonnard, IFP Energies nouvelles |
2014 / Q1 |
Cryogenic bulk removal of H2S or CO2 offers an economic advantage when the separated acid gases from super sour gas are re-injected More
Optimising hydrogen sulphide scavenging |
Giacinto Grande and Alessandra Berra, Chimec |
2014 / Q1 |
Selecting the right hydrogen sulphide scavenger is important, but appropriate treatment setup and tailored monitoring procedures are key to avoiding off-specs More
Overcoming high productivity in process condensate |
Tapas Kanti Samaddar and Gregory M Lilburne, The Bahrain Petroleum Company BSC(c)
Calum McIntosh and Mileta Babovic, Johnson Matthey |
2014 / Q1 |
Analysis of design and operations enabled a refiner to eliminate contaminants from hydrogen plant process condensate by installing a high pressure stripper More
Mercury treatment options for natural gas plants |
Satyam Mishra, UOP, a Honeywell Company |
2014 / Q1 |
Removing mercury as close as it practicable to the front end of a natural gas processing system is the best choice More
Role of FCC catalyst in refinery profitability |
Ivan Chavdarov, Dicho Stratiev, Ivelina Shishkova and Rosen Dinkov, Lukoil Neftohim Burgas JSC
Vladimir Jegorov, Grace Catalysts Technologies
Peko Petkov, University 'Prof Dr Assen Zlatarov' Burgas |
2014 / Q1 |
By switching to a rare earth-free FCC catalyst, a refiner raised its output of premium grade gasoline and increased its operating margin More
Field experience with a Claus furnace checker wall |
Jeffrey Bolebruch, Blash Precision Ceramics
Mossaed Y Al-Awwad, Saudi Aramco
Meng-Hung Chen, CPC Corporation |
2014 / Q1 |
A new design of Claus furnace checker wall delivers improved mechanical performance and process flow characteristics More
Characterising and tracking contaminants in opportunity crudes |
Robert Ohmes, KBC Advanced Technologies |
2014 / Q1 |
The specific properties of contaminants in opportunity crudes affect the selection of crude slates for existing facilities and the design of revamps and new units More
New process arrangements for upgrading heavy oils and residua |
Sepehr Sadighi, Reza Seif Mohaddecy and Kamal Masoudian, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry |
2014 / Q1 |
Simulation studies reveal increased gasoline and diesel production from extra-heavy oil by means of RFCC and hydrocracking units with a mild hydrogenation process More
Increasing conversion and run length in a visbreaker |
Matteo Virzi, ISAB
Marco Respini, Baker Hughes |
2014 / Q1 |
Combining anticoke/antifoulant treatments with monitoring technology enabled a refinery to keep its visbreaker unit at the best process severity for any feed More
Troubleshooting refinery equipment with multiphase CFD modelling |
Grant Niccum and Steve White, Process Consulting Services |
2014 / Q1 |
Computational fluid dynamics is a useful and increasingly practical tool for improving the design of and increasing the understanding of common process equipment More
High-fidelity operator training simulators |
Martin Sneesby, APESS |
2014 / Q1 |
Integrating a high-fidelity simulation model with a real plant control system requires some finessing to produce a true high-fidelity operator training simulator More
What your transmitter may not be telling you |
Eric Moore, Swagelok Capital Projects Company
Sam Johnson, Swagelok |
2014 / Q1 |
If you value accurate process measurements and specify a premium transmitter, your instrument loop requires the same level of attention More
Catalytic solutions for processing shale oils in the FCC |
Kenneth Bryden, E Thomas Habib Jr, Olivia Topete, Rosann Schiller, Grace Catalyst Technologies |
2014 / Shale |
Monetising tight oils requires suppression of unconventional metals contamination and gas formation, and adherence to flexible catalyst functionality More
Shale feedstocks fuel ethylene, LNG and petrochemical derivatives expansion |
Rene G Gonzalez |
2014 / Shale |
In spite of the variability in shale composition causing operational challenges for refiners, monetisation opportunities are seen throughout the energy value chain More
Shale crudes and FCC: a mismatch from heaven? |
Bart De Graaf, Yali Tang, Jeff Oberlin and Paul Diddams, Johnson Matthey Process Technolgies, Intercat |
2014 / Shale |
Weighing the effects that the processing of shale oils has on FCC unit operation, such as iron poisoning of FCC catalysts More
Overcoming the challenges of tight/shale oil refining |
Brian Benoit and Jeffrey Zurlo, GE Water & Process Technologies |
2014 / Shale |
The impact of tight oil processing can have on a refinery, particularly the considerations that must be given to desalter performance, corrosion and fouling control More
Better yeild accounting methods improve financial results |
Kaylen McMullen, Joseph McMullen and John Hernandez, Schneider Electric and Invensys |
2014 / Shale |
A yield accounting system can improve the efficiency of solving material balance errors and corrct measurement errors throughout an entire facility More
HCN and NOx control strategies in the FCC |
Xunhua Mo, Bart De Graaf, Charles Radcliffe and Paul Diddams, Johnson Matthey, Process Technologies, Intercat Additives |
2014 / Catalysis |
Results of resesarch into emissions from the FCC, plus guidance on how to obtain the minimum level of NOx More
Capturing maximum value with tight oil feeds in the FCC |
Alexis Shackleford, BASF Catalysts |
2014 / Catalysis |
FCCs processing tight oil feeds require catalyst choices to deal with higher conversion, heat balance concerns, and higher sodium, calcium and iron More
Maximising distillate while minimising bottoms |
Allen Hansen, Adrian Humphries, Stephen McGovern and Barry Speronello, Rive Technology Inc |
2014 / Catalysis |
An FCC catalyst with reduced resistance to diffusion raises diesel output without the traditional bottoms penalty More
Dewaxing challenging paraffinic feeds |
Renata Szynkarczuk, Criterion Catalysts & Technologies
Michelle Robinson and Laurent Huve, Shell Global Solutions International |
2014 / Catalysis |
Catalytic dewaxing using recent developments in dewaxing catalysts provides an alternative method for cold flow improvement in diesel and lube oil More
Maximising distillate and alkylation feed from the FCC |
Alan Kramer, George Yaluris, Albemarle Corporation |
2014 / Catalysis |
The tight oil revolution has changed FCC priorities. Operators can maximise profitability by adopting new catalysts to target their yield profile More
Optimising hydroprocessing catalyst systems |
Woody Shiflett, Charles Olsen, Dan Torchia, Advanced Refining Technologies
David Brossard, Chevron Lummus Global |
2014 / Catalysis |
Flexibility in catalyst technology and processing tactics optimises hydrocracker and ULSD operations to meet diesel and gasoil production targets More
Zero emissions in sulphur recovery |
Michele Colozzi and Simona Cortese, KT-Kinetics Technology
Lucia Barbato, ProcessiInnovati |
2014 / Gas |
A process under development for sulphur recovery feaures an innovative catalyst and a new scheme for the treatment of all sour gas feedstocks More
Eliminating the Claus furnace |
Matt Thundyil, Sameer Pallavkar, Ramiro Vazquez and David Seeger, GTCTechnology US, LLC |
2014 / Gas |
A novel approach to the conversion of hydrogen sulphide to elemental sulphur is expected to extend the economic range for Claus plants More
Predicting corrosion rates in amine and sour water systems |
Nathan A Hatcher, Clayton E Jones, G Simon Weiland and Ralph H Weiland, Optimized Gas Treating Inc |
2014 / Gas |
A chemistry-=based predictive model predicts corrosion rates in specific processing conditions More
Zeolite based dryers in ethylene plants |
Vassilios Zafirakis and Hans Hoefer, Grace Materials Technologies |
2014 / Gas |
A review of the role and nature of adsorbent dryers in the production of ethylene by steam cracking More
Virtual commissioning of a gas handling system |
Rainer Scheuring, Cologne University of Applied Sciences
Hans-Christian Haarmann-Kohn TGE and Jorgen Essler, TGE Marine Gas Engineering
Torsten Felix, Flemming Automationstechnik
Michael Brodkorb, Honeywell Process Solutions |
2014 / Gas |
Gas reliquefaction units were designed by means of stationary and dynamic process simulation models More
Protecting compressors with dynamic simulation |
Nichols Brownrigg, AspenTech |
2014 / Gas |
Dynamic simulation supports reliable operation of compressor installations to deliver maximum plant availability and productivity More
Reformer monitoring via in-tube temperature measurement |
Oliver J Smith IV, Air Products and Chemicals Inc
Bill Cotton, Johnson Matthey |
2014 / Q2 |
A temperature monitoring technology applied to steam reformers in synthesis gas plants provides protection against over-firing plus detailed catalyst monitoring. More
Revamping the hydrogen generation unit |
K V Patwardhan, V D Dhumal, P Balaramakrishna, R&D Centre, L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering, India |
2014 / Q2 |
Hydrogen plants can be modified for higher production by employing innovative process schemes More
Enhance processing with capacity control of reciprocating compressors |
Klaus Stachel and Markus Wenisch, Hoerbiger Compression Technology |
2014 / Q2 |
Improvements to refinery, petrochemical and gas processing are available from the full-range stepless capacity control of reciprocating compressors More
Removing salts and contaminants in glycol regeneration |
Barry A Perlmutter, BHS-Sonthofen Inc
Christian Gassen, BHS-Sonthofen GmbH |
2014 / Q2 |
A new process combining candle filters and pressure plate filters enables more glycol to be safely recovered from natural gas than by conventional methods More
Accurate prediction of tower relief |
Harry Z Ha, Abdulla Harji and Jonathan Webber, Fluor Canada Ltd |
2014 / Q2 |
A comparison of conventional and dynamic simulation methods applied to a project to debottleneck a deisobutaniser More
Myth of high cutpoint in dry vacuum units |
Scott Golden, Tony Barletta and Steve White, Process Consulting Services |
2014 / Q2 |
Accurate measures of true boiling point cutpoints are essential to correctly evaluate vacuum unit performance More
Coordinating a complex automation project |
Igor Sepic and Boris Zezelj, INA Rijeka Refining, Croatia |
2014 / Q2 |
Installing an integrated control system in support of a major refinery upgrade meant coordinating the work of multiple EPC contractors More
Dynamics of operation for flare systems |
Yahya Aktas and Ozge Ozarik, Tupras Izmir Refinery |
2014 / Q2 |
Detailed studies of problems with flaring performance led a refinery to define and implement a scheme for optimum flare performance More
Air pre-heater improves energy efficiency |
Bart Van Den Berg, HeatMatrix |
2014 / Q2 |
A corrosion resistant air pre-heater enables valuable heat recovery from corrosive and fouling refinery flue gas streams More
Maximising the use of process energy |
Sunik Kumar, Shrikant Nanoti and M O Garg, CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum |
2014 / Q2 |
Integrating a flash drum in an atmospheric and crude distilation unit offers the potential for savings and capacity enhancement More
Real time online energy management |
Mohammad Ershaid, KNPC Mina Al-Ahmadi Refinery
Carlos Ruiz, Diego Ruiz and Nicolas Visuara, Soteica Visual MESA
Dhanasekar Periyasami, EBS |
2014 / Q2 |
Creating a model of a refinery energy system validated with real time data increased energy efficiency and reduced total energy costs More
Advanced solutions for efficient crude blending |
Gregory Shahnovsky, Tal Cohen and Ronny McMurray, Modcon-Systems Ltd |
2014 / Q2 |
The use of nuclear magnetic resonance based process analysers supports the production of blends at lowest cost More
Performance of waxy crudes as FCC feeds |
Erick Gamas, Cliff Avery, Gerbrand Mesu and David De Villiers, Albemarle Corporation
Alan Yahev, Newfield Exploration Company |
2014 / Q2 |
Advantages and challenges: determining the optimal blending ratios with waxy crude and VGO combinations More
Predicting severity, viscosity and yields in fuel oil visbreaking |
Sepehr Sadighi and Reza Seif Mohaddecy, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry |
2014 / Q2 |
Neuro-fuzzy technique is used to predict product properties in a commercial visbreaker More
Recovering tungsten from spent hydrocracking catalysts |
Jean-Pierre Dufour and Sophie Comte, Valdi |
2014 / Q2 |
When catalyst is no longer serviceable for hydrotreating, it takes a metallurgical route to supply tungsten for steelmakers More
Tail gas catalyst performance: part 1 |
Michael Huffmaster, Consultant
Fernando Maldonado, Criterion Catalysts |
2014 / Q3 |
The first part of two-part account of time and temperature effects on tail gas catalyst performance provides a background to reaction modelling and pilot studies More
Selective control for a total reflux column |
Niyazi Bozkurt, Tupras Kirikkale Refinery |
2014 / Q3 |
Operating problems with a de-ethaniser column led to the development of a new strategy for an advanced process control system More
Quality control in biofuels production |
Berthold Otzisk, Kurita Europe |
2014 / Q3 |
Additives such as emulsion breakers and antioxidants can help to improve the product quality of biofuels and hence their profitability More
Revamping advanced prodcess control |
Stefano Lodolo, Aspen Technology
Oleg Vedernikov, Isab |
2014 / Q3 |
A programme to update a refiner's APC systems employed a novel approach to the way new controllers are developed and existing controllers are maintained More
Design developments for construction projects |
Simon Bennett, AVEVA Solutions |
2014 / Q3 |
Software products enable the principles of lean manufacturing to be applied to refinery construction projects More
Overcoming corrosion in heat exchangers |
Dragon Hao, Sandvik Materials Technology |
2014 / Q3 |
Duplex stainless steels are countering traditional materials' failure to cope with corrosion risks aggravated by the declining quality of crude oil More
Meeting production targets for ultra low sulphur transportation fuels |
Bob Leliveld, Ablemarle |
2014 / Q3 |
Increasingly stringent sulphur regulations and diesel price premiums are prompting refiners to draw a broad process envelope for yield, quality and economic assessment More
Improving a compressor protection regime |
Ben Austin, Prognost Systems Inc |
2014 / Q3 |
Analysis of the build-up to the fracture of a compressor crosshead led a refiner to revise its approach to performance monitoring More
Meeting tighter NOx emissions rules |
Stephen Harrison, Naresh Suchak and Frank Fitch, Linde Gases |
2014 / Q3 |
A low temperature oxidation technology uses ozone to remove very low levels of nitrogen oxide from refinery gases More
Cloud point and hydrotreating relationships |
Brian Watkins and Meredith Lansdown, ART |
2014 / Q3 |
There is a complex interaction between dewaxing and hydrotreating in ultra low sulphur diesel applications More
Failure analysis of burner piping |
Hyunjin Yoon, SK Innovation |
2014 / Q3 |
Investigation of the causes of a severe refinery fire leads to recommendations for burner piping design to prevent such incidents More
Microbiological causes of corrosion |
Jaya Rawat, Neha Sharma and Apoorve Khandelwal, Bharat Petroleum Corporate R&D Center |
2014 / Q3 |
Many of the most serious problems with corrosion of refinery equipment have a microbiological basis More
Albert's crude oil reserves |
Mike Priaro, Consultant |
2014 / Q3 |
Recovery factors achieved by improved recovery techniques indicate that crude oil reserves in Alberta's bitumen sands are the largest on earth More
Avoiding compressor system downtime |
Amit Saxena, Dresser-Rand |
2014 / Q3 |
Developments in anti-surge technology make it possible to maximise process efficiency and optimise compressor function More
Tail gas catalyst performance: part 2 |
Michael Huffmaster, Consultant
Fernando Maldonado, Criterion Catalysts |
2014 / Q4 |
The second part of a two-part account of time and temperature effects on tail gas catalyst performance gives a background to reaction modelling and pilot plant studies. More
Predicting future FCC operations via analytics |
Patrick J Christensen, Touseef Habib, Thomas B Garrett and Thomas W Yeung, Hydrocarbon Publishing Company |
2014 / Q4 |
Data analysis enables a company to take advantage of patent information to unveil underlining development trends for formulating technology strategies for future markets More
Predicting reactive heavy oil process operation |
Glen A Hay, Herbert Loria and Marco A Satyro, Virtual Materials Group, Inc
Hideki Nagata, Fuji Oil Company Ltd |
2014 / Q4 |
Characterisation of feed and product yields through component structures for better understanding and prediction of operations More
Integrated hydrogen management |
Sasa Polovina, Danijela Harmina and Ana Granic Sarac, INA Rijeka refinery |
2014 / Q4 |
Redesigning an existing hydrogen system leads to an integrated, reliable and flexible supply More
Structured packing in a CO2 absorber |
Ralph Weiland and Nathan Hatcher, Optimized Gas Treating, Inc |
2014 / Q4 |
Solvent regeneration is the biggest energy consumer in an amine treating unit but efforts to minimise energy consumption should be made cautiously More
Reflux in a gas dehydration plant |
Sajad Mirian and Hossein Anisi, Nitel Pars Co (Fateh Group)
Xiang Yu, Hengye Chemical Co
Sepehr Sadighi, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry |
2014 / Q4 |
Gas dehydration by adsorbent processes may lead to the damaging regeneration reflux phenomenon during adsorbent regeneration More
Override control of fuel gas |
Rainer Scheuring, Cologne University of Applied Sciences
Albrecht Minges and Simon Griesbaum, MiRO Mineraloelraffinerie Oberrhein
Michael Brodkorb, Honeywell Process Solutions |
2014 / Q4 |
When natural gas was to be added to a refinery's fuel gas system, detailed dynamic simulation of the new system ensured stable operation and a shorter start-up period More
'Snakes and ladders' for maximising propylene |
Bart de Graaf, Mehdi Allahverdi, Martin Evans and Paul Diddams, Johnson Matthey Process Technologies |
2014 / Q4 |
Changes in process conditions in tandem with ZSM-5 additives widen the potential for petrochemicals production from the FCC unit More
Troubleshooting a C3 splitter tower Part 1: evaluation |
Henry Z Kister, Fluor
Brian Clancy-Jundt and Randy Miller, PetroLogistics |
2014 / Q4 |
Distillation trays are prone to channelling and multi-pass maldistribution in large diameter towers. Multichordal gamma scanning is key for solving such problems More
Overcoming tight emulsion problems |
Hernando Salgado, Cartagena Refinery, Ecopetrol
Luis Marino, Ramgus SA - Pall Corp
Rosangela Pacheco, Barrancabermeja Refinery, Ecopetrol |
2014 / Q4 |
A refiner's trials of a membrane coalescence mechanism were scaled up to plant level and delivered significant product recovery from tight aqueous emulsions More
Enhancing bottoms cracking and process flexibility |
Yee-Young Cher, Rosann Schiller and Jeff Koebel, Grace Catalysts Technologies |
2014 / Q4 |
Catalyst designed with advanced zeolite stabilisation technology provides selective conversion of heavy FCC feed molecules More
Preventing emissions in coke removal |
Artur Krueger, Bernd Lankers and Josef Wadle, TriPlan AG |
2014 / Q4 |
A closed, automated coke removal system aims for gains in environmental, economic and safety performance More
Troubleshooting steam ejectors |
Norman Lieberman, Process Improvement Engineering |
2014 / Q4 |
Some causes and practical solutions concerning problems with refinery steam vacuum ejectors More
Asphalt quality prediction and control |
Zak Friedman, Petrocontrol |
2014 / Q4 |
With knowledge of heavy vacuum gasoil cut-point and asphalt density, asphalt quality can be inferred More
Increasing distillate production at zero capital cost |
Joe Musumeci, Steven W Stupin, Stephanie Schlosser and Thomas Scholten
Ascent Engineering |
2014 / Revamps |
Significantly increasing distillate production can at the earliest stages require no more than process tweaks before significant capital revamps are required More
Laser scanning for revamps |
Gary Farrow, AVEVA |
2014 / Revamps |
A review of benefits, best practices and emerging opportunities in laser-enabled revamp projects More
Revamping heat exchanger tubing |
Eduardo Perea, Sandvik Materials Technology |
2014 / Revamps |
Corrosion aggravated failures in carbon steel tubes prompted a refiner to replace heat exchanger tubing with hyper-duplex stainless steel More
Estimating bitumen viscosity for revamps |
Tek Sutikno and Carlos Mesta, Fluor Enterprises |
2014 / Revamps |
Accurate viscosity data for dilbit and its heavy residues define the scope of revamps required to process the feed in crude and vacuum units More
Options for CO2 capture from SMR |
Goutam Shahani, Linde Engineering North America
Christine Kandziora, Linde Clean Energy and Innovation Management |
2014 / Revamps |
As CO2 capture from steam methane reforming becomes increasingly important, the economics of retrofit for recovery from process gas streams need to be considered More
Maximising energy efficiency in grassroots designs |
Tim Shire, Andrew Hoyle and Mike Rutkowski, KBC |
2014 / Revamps |
A novel approach is required to achieve the full potential for energy performance of new plants More