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What are the possible reasons for increase in COD value of Brine. Is there any relationship with crude property?
16/05/2011 A: Sudhakara Babu Marpudi, Dangote Oil Refinery Company, m_sudhakarababu@yahoo.com
COD is affected by the Caustic usage in the upstream of Desalters. The Caustic injected in the upsteram of Deslater will get washed off in the Desalter along with brine. The effect will be much more if spent Caustic (usually H2S rich spent caustic from ATF Merox) is used in Desalters.
05/04/2010 A: Marcello Ferrara, ITW SrL, mferrara@itw.it
Crude type and properties are surely related to COD increase. In my opinion a major role is however played by poor performance of the demulsification step. Some specific solutions may be found to solve the problem.