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What developments are taking place for catalytic photosynthesis of Carbondioxide to Oxygen and carbohydrate or useful products which can be used to reduce CO2 emissions from Furnace stacks?
30/04/2019 A: keith bowers, B and B Consulting, kebowers47@gmail.com
CO2 is a VERY STABLE molecule and Thermodynamics and Physics make it very energy intensive (takes a lot of energy input) to separate the carbon and oxygen. The energy released when Oxygen reacts with Carbon (Heat of Combustion) is very high and must be reversed--somehow. Catalysts only help RATE of reaction, not energy balance. Enzymes CAN lower the energy LEVEL (temperature, energy of activation) required to 'make the reaction go', but again, cannot change the energy balance.
Only by converting the CO2 to another 'less stable' molecule can the energy required be lowered. "CCS" is a big 'pipe dream' because thermodynamics is inviolate. Only be REDUCING the oxidation of carbon (combustion) to CO2 in the first place can the CO2 entering the 'carbon cycle' be lowered. Combustion is a VERY EFFICIENT process for providing ENERGY at a high temperature where it is useful to us. 'De-combustion' IS NOT efficient because we do not have even higher level energy sources to 'undo' the oxidation reaction.
'CCS' can 'APPEAR to be" viable , but ONLY IF the 'energy balance envelope' does not count everything.
18/02/2008 A: SImone Robinson, Tube Tech International Ltd, simone@tubetech.com
We are currently developing a mechanical scrubbing system in the belief that all waste can be filtered to ground and converted to fertilizer thus reducing CO2 emissions. It would be great to find out more about your furnace stack.