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Your search for 'perlmutter' returned the following results.

Title Author Edition
Combination mechanical slurry conditioning and filtration

 Barry Perlmutter, BHS-Filtration

2012 / Q2

 A novel definition of combination filtration provides process engineers with a framework for analysing operating bottlenecks


Removing fines from gas scrubbing liquids

Barry Perlmutter, BHS- Filtration

2012 / Q3

Think cake candle filter technology can be applied to a range of refining and gas processing applications to remove fines from circulating scrubbing liquids

Removing salts and contaminants in glycol regeneration

Barry A Perlmutter, BHS-Sonthofen Inc

Christian Gassen, BHS-Sonthofen GmbH

2014 / Q2

A new process combining candle filters and pressure plate filters enables more glycol to be safely recovered from natural gas than by conventional methods

Removing contaminant fines from process water

Barry Perlmutter, BHS-Sonthofen

2016 / Q2

Careful analysis and a creative approach are required for the optimum application of filtration technology

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